Ringer’s lactate is the main fluid for resuscitation of acute burns. It is largely used in aggressive volume resuscitation from blood loss or burn injuries. It is also a great fluid for aggressive fluid replacement in many clinical situations, including sepsis and acute pancreatitis.
It can be calculated by Modified Brooke crystalloid estimate:
Lactated Ringers (ml/hr) = (2 × Weight in kg × Percent Burn) / 24
For example,
If the patient weight is 65 kg and percent burn is 2.5% then the Lactated Ringers rate will be
Lactated Ringers = (2 × 65 × 2.5)/24 = 13.54 ml/hr
- No attempt should be made to administer the calculated amount of fluid in the first 36 hours.
- This is only a guide to resuscitation.
Read also: Electrolyte Solution Calculation
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